Alex, so cute - but is it a fake side?

I've heard from many people that Alex just plays that cute guy, that he is someone else inside. That he does thing that he shouldn't do to the fans.

I don't believe them, because I know that he the most wonderful norweigan guy in the world (that I've ever met).

What do you think / believe ?

Hugs /Therese

För våra svenska och norska små stalkers ;)

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Puss & Hej /Ellie & Therese

Alex on the busses in NY and I'm back from Egypt!

Hello guys!

Now I'm back from Egypt and today Alex is in, haha, I don't know really. But anyway he's on the busses in United States (New York). I think that's cool, really cool. November 21st he's going to perform 2 times in NY (Millenium Theatre). Hope he is having a great time.

Hugs from Therese!

A picture from New York! Seriously he looks good on the bus!

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